Module 10 The weather Unit 1 It might snow. 课件(共30张PPT) 外研版八年级英语上册

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Module 10 The weather Unit 1 It might snow. 课件(共30张PPT) 外研版八年级英语上册

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(共30张PPT)第一课时weathersun n./ n./v.rainy adj.snowy adj.storm n.windy adj.shower n.What is the weather like snow n./v.cloudy adj.sunny adj.stormy adj.showery adj.wind n.rain n./v.BrainstormModule 10The weatherUnit 1It might snow.Learning objectivesThe weather(主题:人与自然)1. To understand the conversation about weather. 读懂有关天气的对话2.To talk about the weather with the useful phrases and key structures. 谈论天气Make a weather forecast天气预报 for different cities in China. Use the correct information in the table in Activity 2 to help you.Task根据Activity 2表格内容,对中国不同城市进行天气预报。/ f kɑ st/一5minusdegree(s)What’s the temperature 温度是多少?℃It’s minus five degrees (centigrade/Celsius).Pre-listening/ sent ɡre d// selsi s/摄氏温度℃沸点为100度(瑞典人摄特西尤斯)华氏温标:℉沸点为212度(德国华伦海脱)英美地区摄氏温度0度等于华氏温度32度。小于1的小数后面常常直接跟复数名词。所以,0.5/0摄氏度:0.5 / zero degrees centigradeone degree(单,其他+s)Pre-listeningtemperature:high 高/low低:the high /low temperature高/低温9℃ nine degrees/-9℃ minus nine degrees-9℃—9℃between minusnine degrees and nine degreesThe temperature in Guangzhou is...某地的温度是...7-12℃4-8℃-2-3℃-11- -9℃-5-1℃Hainan Island17-22℃Exercise:Work in pairsbetween minus two degrees and three degreesbetween minus eleven degrees and minus nine degreesbetween four degrees and eight degreesbetween seventeen degrees and twenty-two degreesbetween seven degrees and twelve degreesbetween minus five degrees and one degreeThe temperature in Guangzhou is...Pre-listening1.去公园溜冰2.在湖上3.和某人一起来4.在……和……之间5.并不经常6.下雪非常多7.听起来不错8.晴朗的天气9.也10.我也不11.下雨的天气12.快点13.最好走吧14.变暖1245637891012111314Read again and check (√) the true sentences.√√√1. Tony and Daming are going to skate.2. Winter is colder in Beijing than in England.3. It sometimes snows in England in winter.4. It is not hot in the US in summer.5. It usually snows in New York in winter.6. Tony does not like windy weather.√Post-listening 课本81Bettyis5.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words .dangerous degree joke may minus skate temperatureWhen it is very cold, it might be safe to (1)________ on lakes, but be very careful! Although it (2) ______ feel cold, it might not be safe. The (3) ____________ has to be at least (4) _______ one or two (5) _______ or even lower for several weeks, and the ice will be thick enough. Falling through the ice is (6) __________. I am not (7) _________!skatemaytemperatureminusdegreesdangerousjokingPost-listening课本81至少够厚Summary Focus on1.云;云雾(n.) cloud →cloudy (adj.)2.阵雨(n.) shower3.雪(n.)& 下雪(v.)snow→snowy (adj.)4.暴风雨(n.) storm→stormy (adj.)5.多雨的;下雨的(adj.) rainy→rain (n.)6.晴朗的(adj.) sunny→sun (n.)7.多风的;刮大风的(adj.)windy→wind (n.)8.滑冰(v.)skate→skating(现在分词)9.厚的(adj.)thick→thin (反义词)10.冰(n.)ice →icy(adj.)11.说笑话;开玩笑(v.)&笑话;玩笑(n.)joke12.可能;也许(v.aux)might13.温度(n.) temperature14.然而;尽管(conj.)although→though (同义词)15.下雨的;湿的(adj.)wet→wetter(比较级) →dry (反义词)16.(某人或某事物)也不(adv.)neither17.使人烦恼的;可怕的(adj.)terrible→terribly(adv.)18.但愿;希望(v.) wish →hope (同义词)19.或许;可能(adv.) probably→probable (adj.)20.西北(n.)&西北的;朝西北的(adj.)northwest →southeast (对应词)Summary——useful phrases1.去公园溜冰2.在湖上3.在……和……之间4.并不经常5.下雪非常多6.和某人一起来7.也8.快点9.最好走吧10.下雨的天气11.晴朗的天气12.我也不13.零下8度1. go to the park to skate2. on the lake3. between...and...4. not usually5. snow quite a lot6. come with sb.7. as well/too/also/either8. come on=hurry up9. better get going=had better go10. rainy weather11. sunny neither13.minus eight degreesSummary——key structures1.而且还阴天,所以有可能会下雪。2.气温是多少?3.贝蒂,在美国冬季天气怎么样?4.我们这里冬冷夏热。5.那里的天气可能晴朗又炎热。And it's cloudy too, so it might snow.What's the temperature What's the weather like in America in winter, Betty We have cold winters and hot summers.It's probably sunny and hot there.Good morning! Here’s the weather report for some big cities. Beijing will be +形容词…. The temperature is …. Shenyang may be+形容词 ….Exercise:Work in pairstomorrownext weeknext monthIt’ll probably be /maybe cold tomorrow.明天将可能/可能+形容词...Now say what the weather might or might not be like in your town.Exercise:Work in pairsExercise:Complete the exercises:1.天可能会下雪。It________________________________________.It is______________________________________.It will _____________________________________.2. --今天的气温是多少?--零下2度至4度。______________________________________________________________________________________________________3.今天天气怎样?_________________________________________________________________________________________________might snowprobably snowy/possible to snowprobably/possibly snowWhat's the temperature today It's between minus two and four degrees.What's the weather like today How is the weather today 1. may/might 也许,可能(情态动词)+V原might 是may的过去式,表推测时,might 比may 的可能性要小.She may be at home.She might be at home.He may know.He might know.Maybe she is at home.Maybe he knows.PerhapsPerhaps2. 问天气:— What’s the weather like in … = How is the weather in … 天气怎样?— It’s snowy (cloudy, rainy, sunny,windy ...).下雪(多云、下雨、晴、有风……)3. … although this year it snowed quite a lot.虽然今年下了相当多雪。although = though conj. 然而; 尽管引导的让步状语从句不能与 but, however 连用, 但可与 yet, still 连用。如:1) 虽然他很累,但他一直在工作。Although/Though he was tired, hecontinued working.4. Me neither.Me neither意为“我也不”,用于后一句的情况与前一句所述的否定情况相同的场合。【链接】Me too意为“我也一样,我也如此”,用于后一句的情况与前一句所述的肯定情况相同的场合。5. It’s probably sunny and hot there.那里的天气可能晴朗、热。probably adv. 大概; 或许; 很可能一般放于be 动词后,行为动词前。She probably stayed at home last night.It will probably be cold tomorrow.We will probably come here in two days.It is possible that it’ll be snowy in the night.晚上有可能会下雪。possible adj. 可能的. 问气温:— What’s the temperature 气温怎么样?— It’s between minus five and minus two degrees!零下5度到零下2度之间。1) — 贝蒂上周没去那个舞会。— 我也没有去。— Betty didn’t go to that dance party last week.— ________________.2) — 比尔喜欢秋天。— 我也一样。— Bill likes autumn.— ________________.Me tooMe neither6. Come on, better get going!好了,走吧!better get going 是 We’d better get going 的省略形式, 意思是“最好现在去/ 走”。如:We’d better get going (= We had better go now), or we’ll be late.我们最好现在就走,不然要迟到了。






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